
The Website

What is BarrierDown?

BarrierDown is a website built with the purpose of assisting those who wish to play Japanese games in Japanese. It saves visitors the need to look up words as they play by giving them everything up-front like flashcards and helpful notes.


Does it have translations?

No, this is made with a more "teach a person to fish..." sort of mentality which translations would run contrary to. If, however, you wish to use the resources provided here to produce a translation of your own, by all means, go for it!

When will the next update be?

Unfortunately, I'm doing this by myself and in my free time, so updates will be few and far between. News of any updates will be sent out via email to those who've subscribed to the mailing list.


Font license info

## Font Awesome

Copyright (C) 2016 by Dave Gandy

Author: Dave Gandy

License: SIL ()

Homepage: http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome/